Getting Started in FreshBooks - Looking back to move forward.

So you opened a FreshBooks Account and you're wondering, "now what?"

Getting started on anything new can be daunting. This course is here to step you through the steps you'll need to take, one at a time. This is focused on helping you bring the past into the system so you can work through it and into the present. You don't need to be an expert in anything other than being you to get started.

6 Modules

Tell Me About You

You may want to start here. And you may want to skip ahead. You may jump around. I fully support both. This is just here to help me to get to know you a little bit more/better.

Gather Some Goodies

Before you get started using your shiny new FreshBooks account, there's some information you need to gather first. Think of this module as a checklist of that information you need.

Set up Your Bank Reconciliation

Yes, this really is the very first step. Here, you'll connect your bank (and credit card(s) if/as relevant) account and start importing transactions.

Add Income Items Manually

FreshBooks only imports the bank side of income. Deposits will be available to reconcile (match) in the accounting screen, however, the dollars that make up those deposits won't be. This is another way to say FreshBooks does not add the income activity to your accounting records.

Reconcile! (or play a matching game)

Here's where you start clicking buttons and playing a matching game. It's a lot like those matching games you may have played in school, where there's two columns, one of pictures and one of words, and you have to match the picture to the words.

Review (Again)

Yes, this is a module that will focus on reviewing your accounting activity. It's moving away from the reconciliation feature and taking a broader look at your accounting.

Modules for this course 6
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 Getting Started in FreshBooks - Looking backward to look forward
 $ 367.00 USD

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